Servicing & Maintenance Of Dust Extraction Systems
Servicing and Maintenance
Sangre can carry out on site filter bag / Cartridge replacements on our manufactured units and also other manufacturer’s equipment.
We can also carry out general maintenance on ours and other manufacturer’s equipment Please call (+44)07973388874 or email should you require assistance.

Ducting Alterations and Improvements
Over time existing extraction systems can be altered for new equipment which are added to existing extraction systems. Unfortunately sometimes allowances for correct air volumes are not taken into consideration. This can mean that the existing system underperforms and no longer meets the statutory requirements.
Sangre can help to determine and carry out alterations that can be made to bring these systems back under Control. We can also help with determining If and how new equipment can be added to existing systems
Please call 01527 524 782 or email should you require assistance.
LEV Testing & COSHH Assessments
Sangre can perform existing extraction system LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) Testing statutory requirements including report writing.
With over 40 years’ experience we can evaluate existing and new systems to determine that they are meeting existing statutory requirements and make recommendations for improvements to meet these requirements going forward.
Sangre can help with COSHH Assessments Identifying Risks and helping with Control Measures.
Please call 01527524782 or email should you require assistance.

ATEX Assessments
Sangre can carry out ATEX risk assessments
Explosive atmospheres can be caused by flammable gases, mists or vapours or by combustible dusts. If there is enough of the substance, mixed with air, then all it needs is a source of ignition to cause an explosion.
Explosions can cause loss of life and serious injuries as well as significant damage. Preventing releases of dangerous substances, which can create explosive atmospheres, and preventing sources of ignition are two widely used ways of reducing the risk. Using the correct equipment can help greatly in this.
Please call 01527524782 or email should you require assistance.
What is ATEX?
ATEX is the name commonly given to the two European Directives for controlling explosive atmospheres:
1) Directive 99/92/EC (also known as ‘ATEX 137’ or the ‘ATEX Workplace Directive’) on minimum requirements for improving the health and safety protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres. The text of the Directive and the supporting EU produced guidelines are available on the EU-website.
2) Directive 2014/34/EU (also known as ‘ATEX 114’ or ‘the ATEX Equipment Directive’) on the approximation of the laws of Members States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The text of the Directive and EU produced supporting guidelines are available on the EU website.
DSEAR Assessments
Sangre can carry out DSEAR assessments should you require them.
The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) place duties on employers to eliminate or control the risks from explosive atmospheres in the workplace.
Explosive atmospheres in the workplace
In Great Britain the requirements of Directive 99/92/EC were put into effect through regulations 7 and 11 of the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR).
The requirements in DSEAR apply to most workplaces where a potentially explosive atmosphere may occur. Some industry sectors and work activities are exempted because there is other legislation that fulfils the requirements. These exemptions are listed in regulation 3 of DSEAR.
What does DSEAR require?
DSEAR requires employers to eliminate or control the risks from dangerous substances – further information on these requirements can be found on the DSEAR page. In addition to the general requirements, the Regulations place the following specific duties on employers with workplaces where explosive atmospheres may occur.
Please call 01527 524 782 or email should you require assistance.